Love story-3

I was in love, truly, deeply in love….with my ex-boyfriend over 2 years ago…We broke up as it usually happens when you are 18. It was an ugly ending I still loved him..Could not have stayed in Hungary any longer, needed a change.

I quit my job and said goodbye to my family, came to Ireland to start my life all over again. I missed him, I missed him a lot but I have always been a strong women so I knew I cannot give up. I settled down in the heart of Dublin, got an okay job, got friends. Had my life just like before him..Never thought I would fall in love with somebody again (at least not any soon). Once I was spending time on my Facebook. I saw this advertisement about that website called ‘Love struck’, I just said to myself why wouldn’t I try it out??? I registered..never did anything like that before as I never believed in the way like that to find your true love. Of course the website like that started to ask me lots of question, I had to set up a proper profile and I just got so fed up and left in the middle of it.

Few days later I received an email from ‘Love struck’ which said that I should definitely go back and complete my profile as I might lose the chance to meet somebody and that my biological clock is clicking. I was so pissed, my biological clock???? I was 21…so I just went back and finish up my site. Never cared about it after that. I really don’t know how long I didn’t check my page there, I started to go out with the guy (which was the biggest disappointment in my life)…

Once I just thought what not I’ll go and have a look…Found a few guys, left a few message to them. Also found a guy who had written on his profile that he is looking for a beautiful, smart, funny, intelligent but serious girl (which was certainly everything), I remember thinking he must be a funny guy, reading his profile a bit further he just said “if you like what you read send me one email or two or three”…that was a sentence made me write him a message. Although that time I hadn’t had any profile picture and good English he answered me back…I didn’t know what was going on in his mind but we started to talk. We used to change emails two-three times a day, it was like we have been together years and now we are just spending some time apart. We talked about everything, we knew each other more then anybody else. The time went on and we decided it to meet up. Didn’t work. I really don’t know how people do this but after two months talking when I met him I couldn’t introduce myself or anything like that. It was weird and awkward. We didn’t kiss and then I left. On the way home I thought this has been an awful date we will never see each other again. I was disappointed but I didn’t regret any moment we spent by emailing each other. When I got home I had an email waiting for me. An explanation about why he acted so weird and what he really feels about me. We agreed about an other date, next day beside the see. I had not too much hope to be honest that anything can go better, but it did. We had a wonderful time together. We didn’t kiss but it was still the best day.

Days were passed, we had dated for a while until I got extremely drunk and started to send him text messages about what and how I want to do with him. Next day I was terrified that I lost him but no I didn’t. It just made him realize how much he wants the same thing and how much he wants me to be his girlfriend. I spent the night with him, that was the first night we spent together….

A few months later he went to America, it was a business trip. Not too long but enough to makes us finally realize we are in love. When he came home it was the first time we said, we love each other…

It has all been over a year. We are living together now and have an adorable little dog as well. We have arguments of course, and fights several times but I know that I can’t be happier than that.

My life has been totally changed. I left my country, my family, my friends but I found my new home, my new family…

Since I know he is my better half, I cannot imagine my life without him the only thing I can’t wait for is to be his wife and make him happier then ever.


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