Love story-5

Its a true story
I met a girl on Shared talk i use it because its a language website and i always use voice chat there so one day i have found Hanaa She was from SAUDI ARABIA . I talked to her a little then i asked her skype id she gave me and then we start talking there . I talked her that day for 1 hour . When she came online its very late here so i did not talked her too much . Next day she came online and she told me that i should be her brother i was surprise and was thinking why she is saying that . I asked her and she said i will fall in love if i will talk to her . I lied to her and said i m already in love with anyone .
Its hard to understand non-Muslim people but Muslim will understand because in Saudi Arabia girls do not talk with boys thats why she is saying that .
After that one day i was very upset because i had many problems she asked me why i am upset i told her that i have many problems then she said everything will be all right she will pray for me and she also told me that she loves me . i was very shocked . The culture of SAUDI ARABIA is very different and not like EUROPE or ASIA . I asked her why she loves me she said she does not know then she disappeared for many day. I did not think about her too much . When she came back she told me that she had exams and also she went to DUBAI . Then we start talking each other again .
I asked her about her picture she sent me her picture that was only her eyes i said what is this she said she can not show me her picture.
In Saudi Arabia girls always have Nakab its like you can only see there eyes
so i said all right and i saw her room picture and house , her life was like a queen she was very rich and she has a nice life .
i always have a dream that a queen will come for me she was the same i was very happy that i have founded the queen of my life .
Then i gave her my cell number and we started talking there .She called me a lot but i cant it was so costly for me to call her but i sent her messages . I even remember the places from where i sent her messages my bed my stairs the roads all the places she was really a queen.
Then i typed a letter for her she was very upset because she said i do not love her . I was not sure that is i love or what I typed a big letter and when she was reading we were on call on Skype .She start crying i can even listen her voice while crying I tried to stop her but she muted the MIC .
Things went wrong when i had a dream about her I saw that i am going to marry a girl and she has a Nakab and her name is Hana . I told her that dream and she told me that she had dreams about me then i forced her to tell me her dreams she just told me some . After that i thought that i am in love with her because my only work was to finished my work give her a miscall (when ever i gave her miscall she came online ) and start talking with her on voice .
One day she told me her parents want her to marry her cousin . She was crying and telling me that she wants to marry me . i was scared also because i knew that soon she will leave me alone . I said to her that pray for that that we will marry I was a fool it was impossible to marry her i was in PAKISTAN she was in SAUDI ARABIA.
The same time i was forcing her to show me her picture she said her cousin and his parents will come with a marriage porpusal at 4PM. We were since the morning. then at last i said i will not speak just type because you are not showing me your picture she said all right . Then i was typing and she was speaking then she said its 4pm she has to go and she also said to me that pray for her. After that she called me on my cellphone i said hellow she said she wanted to listen my voice and she cut the call. I went to sleep after that . When i woke up i saw messages in Arabic from hers cell number i replied in English i do not know Arabic then again i got messages in Arabic. I asked about them on shared talk then people said that its her mother and she is abusing me a lot .
I was shocked . what is happening to me
and to her . Then i received e-mail of her friend She told me that Hana locked in a room because she refused to marry her cousin and she can not contact me again her mother red all my messages that i sent to her . and also her friend said to me that i should forget her and she will say to Hana that i will forget her also because i love her .
but i said i will never forget her .
Then after some days Hana called me and said her mother is in bathroom she is using cell and she told me that she was sick a lot her mother came from Hajj from Mecca and Hana was is Abha the other city .
After that i received her e-mail she said she is going to Mecca and she will contact me from there and will marry only me otherwise she will die . Then after some days her friend sent me e-mail and said Hana is married and she was in Jeddah because her mother lied to her and took her in Jeddah and she is married now . Then next day she told me that Hana husband hit her because Hana was not allowing him to touch her and she is in hospital University Hospital Jeddah and she is in Coma i prayed for her a lot then after some days her friend said to me that she opened her eyes and she will be fine soon . Then the same day at night i got a message from Hana cell phone that was something ion Arabic
i asked to some Arabic people on internet and they told me that its written that Hana is dead .
I sent e-mail to her friend she replied m that Hana is dead i forced her to tell me the hospital name she hardly told me and i called there many times they said they did not have any patient named Hana . I asked to her friend a lot she said that same that Hana is dead i asked her why in hospital her name is not registered she said its a murder and her husband is in Prison thats why hospital is hiding her name…….. after that i prayed to GOD a lot but Hana did not contact me I am still not sure that i was in love wit her or not but i start crying sometimes that i killed her if she is dead just because of me i always talk to Arabic people and asked to them if they know Hana but everybody says NO….


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