Love story-6

The Incredible And True Story Of Jimmy And Jazzy

Jimmy B was just beginning his second hour as DJ at an exclusive Jersey Shore Nightclub. As he was cueing his next selection, a weird yet amazing feeling swept over him. He looked up from the Turntable and glanced off into space. Suddenly, he realized that abeautiful woman was returning his stare, as she chalked her pool-stick up and prepared for her next shot. As a DJ in a exclusive Club, seeing attractive women was not an unusual thing. BUT……THIS woman was MAGICAL! To cut a LONG STORY SHORT, they met, exchanged phone numbers and the night ended. For the next ten months, MANY phonecalls and Emails were exchanged. But ever a true “date”. Then, suddenly Jimmy B’s cellphone began to ring as he was preparing to do his laundry. It was Jasmine, ACTUALLY ASKING HIM IF HE WOULD GO TO DINNER WITH HER! That date was followed by MANY OTHERS, and they fell in love!!! Then, as they were chatting about the subject of Marriage, Jimmy B reached for a tiny bag, and handed it to Jasmine. She quickly opened it——– IT WAS AN ENGAGMENT RING!!!!! AND SHE SAID YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Wedding Day was scheduled for September 9th, 2006! And, days FLEW by! Jasmine selected a dress, the Couple selected their Parties and Life moved on QUICKLY! Jasmine and her Mom went to Jasmines’ FINAL Dress Fitting together, on August 18th, 2006. They had a quick Dinner, and the Fitting occurred. Jasmine hopped in her car and went to pick up Jimmy from his return by Train from his day job as a Research Chemist. She waited as his usual train pulled up……AND LEFT. There was NO JIMMY. So…..she waited longer and longer. Train after train came and left—– STILL NO JIMMY. She looked up at her watch—— ONE HOUR had passed. If there was a TRUE Delay, Jimmy would have called her. NO CALL AND NO JIMMY. Jasmine began to experience a WEIRD feeling that something bad may have happened. Here it was, only THREE WEEKS before their Wedding Day. Wouldn’t it be insane if something crazy happened? Like if he got HIT BY A CAR only THREE WEEKS before their Wedding?

Well, as crazy as that appears, THAT IS EXACTLY what happened! Being a “Green” person, Jimmy B would travel on his Transit Bicycle to the West Windsor Train Station, get on the train, and head home to West Keansburg, NJ. On THIS day, though, he NEVER made it to the Train Station. For, on the road RIGHT NEXT to the Bike Path, there was a horrific auto accident! One auto tried making a late left turn, hit an auto heading in the opposite direction, caused it to flip on its’ side, and it STRUCK Jimmy B moving at 45mph! Jimmy B, on his bicycle, flew 50 feet in the air and landed on HIS HEAD! So……just three weeks before The Wedding Day, Jimmy B was nearly killed!

Jasmine went home and saw that there was a Phone Message! She thought it might be Jimmy. As she played it, the following spewed out of the machine——- “Hello, Kitty. This is The Emergency Room at Fuld Hospital in Trenton. We are calling ALL numbers in a cell phone we have that belongs to an individual that is in a Coma and on Life Support in our Hospital. If you have ANY information on this person, PLEASE CALL US BACK”. SO……..KITTY (Jasmine) called back! And the reason that I had her identified as KITTY was because she LOVED Cats……and she was Persian. I made her The Persian Kitty!

When Jasmine called the Phone Number, she asked ONE THING! “Please tell me that he IS BREATHING!”. Their Reply—– “With the help of a machine”. SO…….here was a Persian Woman, just three weeks from her Wedding Day, and just hours after her FINAL Wedding Dress Fitting, PRAYING that her Fiance WOULD LIVE!!!!!!!

Well, I DID live! Even though the Medical Personnel warned Jasmine that IF I DID come out of Coma, I may be a Vegetable For Life….. I made it! Here was a woman, INSTEAD of planning a Honeymoon and Life, had to plan for my Rehabilitation! She, instead of becoming MY WIFE, had to go to Court to become my (because of unsureness when IN Coma) LEGAL GUARDIAN!!!!

Months passed…. I was determined to have SEVERE TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY. I had to first learn who JASMINE WAS! Then, I had to learn who I WAS! I was admitted to Kessler Rehab! I had to learn HOW TO GO BATHROOM! HOW TO CLEAN MYSELF! HOW TO TALK! TO WALK! As, later, an Outpatient, I had to relearn how to think! There is a TV Show called “Samantha Who” that is true!!! It summarizes what someone with TBI has to overcome!

On May 17th, 2008 WE MARRIED!!!!!!! We not only got married, but WE BEAT THE 65% of couples after TBI that BREAK UP!!!!!



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