Love story-7

Hello, I know many out there have heard plenty of love stories. As well as I believe each and every love story is unique in its own way, as magical as it can be, and the most wonderful to each and every soul out there. We come to you to give you our love story in hopes that we can ask for help getting back to one another. Our love story begins almost 3 years ago. To begin, let me introduce myself. My name is Suprena and I am a stranger to most. My heart and soul next to me in the photo is Hugh. We fell in love just by talking and knowing each other as much as possible. When we met we weren’t looking for love. I never thought I would meet the one in the way that I did. We both played a video game called Final Fantasy XI. Now I know most of you probably wouldn’t ever think of meeting someone like that, but we did. I was minding my own business and had just spoken to another friend about getting a weapon for myself on a little character in a fantasy world and up pops a personal message. From that day forward I have not and could not see my life any other way but with Hugh in it. He tells me, “what weapon is it that you need”? I didn’t know who he was. We began talking back and forth everyday after that. Helping each other in a video game. Days passed, weeks, months and yet we still talked. Then one day we tell each other that we started having feelings for one another. Was this crazy? Telling someone I love them over personal chat inside of a video game. But the way I felt, I didn’t care. I loved him. Everyday I loved him more and more. He had become my best friend, and I his best friend. Then he asked me to marry him in a video game. Again, was this crazy. Well, it was my life I thought, and I didn’t care if people thought that I was crazy. I loved him, my love grew stronger and stronger. His love so wonderful. I found myself running home everyday to spend every waking and un-working moment with him. He never shut his phone off from chatting on MSN. We were never apart. Then it came. “Can I call you”? Wow, I thought. I’m going to hear his real voice. But yet I was so scared at the same time. After the first time we spoke for over 2 hours if recollection serves me correctly. We didn’t miss a beat to speak, chat, text, or play our game together. He has seen me through my roughest times, and I through his. I was so happy but yet so sad. Things got to be more and more serious.
We wrote letters back and forth, messages, emails, chat, text, phone calls, you name it. We had talked many many times about meeting in real life. But one thing stood in our way. I was from the United States and he from Scotland. We wanted so badly to meet. We would talk about it and something would happen. I wasn’t going to give up, neither was he. After 2 years of being in a long distance relationship, we finally got a chance. Fate was going to do what fate set out to do all along. I called him up and told him, “I got my passport”! It was then I could finally book the flight. I was leaving March 30, 2010 to go meet the person I loved for so long. He could hardly contain his own self with excitement. We had waited so long to finally meet. There I was own my way to Dallas, Texas to catch my flight. I was on the plane, I hadn’t slept from being so scared and so excited at the same time. I was to fly into London from London on to Edinburgh, Scotland and then into his arms. I arrived in London… I get to customs and I hear to please have seat over on the bench. I didn’t know what was going on. The immigration officer came over to me and said they were detaining me. I had asked for what. I didn’t have monies on hand to prove I could accommodate myself for 3 months that I would be there. I told him I had my international bank card. I didn’t bring money in fear I would be mugged and didn’t want to travel with cash on hand. After 6 hours of interrogation and interviewing Hugh over the phone and me in a little tiny room, Hugh called me on the phone letting me know they were going to let me through. I cried and if I didn’t know any better I think he did to. Although I don’t think he would have told me so. We just knew they were going to deport me back to the States after being on a flight and in route travel for 22 hours. He stamped my passport with a 6 month visa and gave me pass into the United Kingdom. I ran as fast as I could to reschedule my flight to Edinburgh. Sitting and waiting again to catch another flight. My mind racing once again. My flight was boarding, I would be in Edinburgh in about an hour where he would be waiting for me. I walked onto the plane and took my seat. The plane takes off and here I go. Over 24 hours later I finally get to be in his arms. After everything he and I had been through for over 2 years, all of that will disappear as soon as I put my arms around him and his around me. We touch down in Edinburgh and I walk off my plane. Nervous I approached luggage pick up and grabbed 1 of my suitcases. The other detoured because of delay of flight. I walk out and scan the area. I didn’t see him. Where could he be. Famished, exhausted, mentally and physically overtaken by travel and jet lag, I walked scanning. I stopped, I could feel him behind me. Do I dare turn around. Finally I get the courage to turn and sure enough he was standing behind me. He hadn’t noticed me yet. I stopped like a deer caught in headlights. He sees me, I gasp and take one step back. Is it him. Its him! He walks up to me and puts his arms around me and mine instantly go around him. We lock and hold each other what seemed like forever as I burst into tears crying on his shoulders the world disappeared. He kissed me on my head and whispered, I love you. I love you too, I said. I knew I was okay now. I knew 2 years was worth everything that he and I had been through because we were finally in each others arms.
I had planned to stay for 3 months, but that just wasn’t enough. I canceled my flight and stayed for the entire 6 month visa. We had a wonderful and magical 6 months full of laughter, fun, love, sunsets, passion, outings, and trips. He proposed to me one early morning. He was meant to take me to watch the sunrise under a tree down a path we enjoyed walking, but of course if you know Scotland. Scotland is famous for its rain. But I wouldn’t have had it any other way. We sat below a tree with the trickling of the rain talking to one another. Finally we were both frozen to the bone and tired so I asked if he was ready to go. We had our shoes hung up in the tree so they wouldn’t fill with water and I reached up and grabbed mine as he was still sitting down. I slipped on my shoes, and turned to look at the view. No matter what weather there is in Scotland, it always amazing to look at. When I turned to see if he was ready he was kneeling on his knee and pulled a small wooden box out of his pocket. He asked. Would I be his wife. I fell to my knees and grabbed him, holding him close to me. “Yes”! I said. I couldn’t see my life without him. After our embrace we stood and walked home hand in hand, both smiling the whole way home. That next 3 months we absorbed one another all that we could. We were never apart and every second we found more and more love to give to the other just when we thought it wasn’t possible to love one another any more than we already did. The time passed by so fast, I couldn’t believe how quickly it was coming to an end that I had to return back to the United States. My new flight was set to leave September 29, 2010. We would try and joke about me forgetting my flight, or he was going to cancel it. His family would kiddnap me and hide me out so I couldn’t leave. Of course they were only joking. But no matter how silly each idea sounded, I think if I knew I wouldn’t have gotten in trouble for staying over my visa, I may have just stayed. In fact I know I probably would have. The day came that I had to return home. We just couldn’t find anything to make us smile. We both cried. We embraced one another for as long as we could before my flight would leave me behind. He stood watching me walk down the path to go through customs and I turned and waved one last time with tears pouring down my face. I’ve never had to do something so hard in my entire life as to leave the man I love behind, not knowing when the next time would be that I would get to see him. He walked away to go sit outside and cry himself. I felt so lost, so empty. My entire flight I cried and cried. I kept wishing something would come up and my plane would have to turn back. But before I knew it was standing back in America with a broken heart. I called him when I arrived in Newark, NJ. I needed so badly to hear his voice. To know everything was going to be okay. Maybe someone would tell us this is all a nightmare. The most happiest time we’ve ever spent was in that 6 months and now once again we are apart.
So, this is where we come to the people out there in the world. We want so much to be back together. There is so much paper work and so much to do, and so costly. We ask the people of the world to help us with donations so that we can do this. We can hardly bare each day without one another. For all those that know love, have felt love, see love, experience love, and have fought for love. Then you know the battle. We will not give up our battle what so ever for this. We will continue to fight each and every day until we are back in each others arms. But with your help we can do this faster. We have to have so many things for us to be properly together and married. Our K-1 visa to be exact, a lawyer is very costly. We’ve opted to do the paper work ourselves, but yet its still costly to do just that. So, this is where we ask the world to come in. Of course everyone knows money doesn’t grow on trees, and the probability of winning the lottery, well we know the odds of that. So please, anything that anyone can do to help us, we ask you the people of the world to seal our love and help us get back together again. We both would be more grateful for anything to help us than any one on the face of this earth. Hugh and I have fought almost 3 years now to be together, help us end that struggle. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. All donations can be mailed to P.O. Box #5354 Longview, Texas 75608 or by clicking the donation button at the bottom. Again, thank you so much for your help and if you can’t we still thank you for taking the time to read our story and maybe our story will give someone hope out there. Never give up on love, faith, or hope…because it lives deep in each one of us no matter where you are in the world. Love doesn’t know the definition of distance, only the heart can feel the pain.


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